Ms. Binu Emmanuel Assistant Professor M. Sc

Name Binu Emmanuel
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification M.Sc. NET
Date of entry into service 09/01/2006
Research Guide ship, associating University and Research activities ·        Presented and published a poster on “Formulation of Vitamin A rich Recipes and its Popularization among School Children” during the 48th National Conference of the Nutrition Society of India (NSI) on Nutrition Risk Management and Communication held at St. John’s Research Institute, St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore on 4th and 5th November, 2016. Proceedings. Pp177


·        Presented and published a paper on “Assessment on Socio Economic Profile of Female Tea Plantation Workers and Their Problems Related to Work” in the proceedings of National Seminar on Changing Employment Status and Resource Mobilization of Women in Kerala organized by the Dept. of Economics, Alphonsa College Pala on 23rd and 24th July, 2014.Pp ;58-60


·        Presented and published a paper on “Development of Value Added Products from Garlic and its Popularization among Hypercholesterolemic Women” in the proceeding of  International Conference on Advanced Materials and its Applications (ICAMA) organized by the Depts. of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology, Alphonsa College, Pala on 26th to 28th March, 2014.Vol.2, Number 3, April 2014, ISSN 2250-3870, Pp 87-91.


·        Presented and published a poster on “Incorporation of Aloe Vera in selected Recipes, nutrient analysis and Popularization among Housewives” in the proceedings of National Seminar on Rising Prevalence of Cancer among Women in Kerala organized by Dept. of Home Science, St .Joseph’s College for Women, Alappuzha on 4th February, 2014. ISBN 978-93-84648-33-6, 2014.Pp:19-23.


·        Presented and published a poster on “Nutritional Status Assessment of Institutionalized and Non Institutionalized Elderly Females” in the National Seminar on Ageing & Society: A Multidisciplinary Approach organized by the Dept. of Home Science, St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam on 4th and 5th October, 2012. Edited volume Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-82062-84-4, Pp: 143-147.



·        Presented and published a poster on “Formulation of Low cost Calcium rich Recipes and its Popularization among Elderly Women” in the National Seminar on Ageing & Society : A Multidisciplinary Approach organized by the Dept. of Home Science, St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam on 4th and 5th October, 2012. Edited volume Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-82062-84-4, Pp: 148-151.



·        Presented and published a poster on “Comparison of Nutritional Status of Institutionalized and Non Institutionalized Elderly Males” in the National Seminar on Ageing & Society: A Multidisciplinary Approach organized by the Dept. of Home Science, St. Teresa’s College, Ernakulam on 4th and 5th October, 2012. Edited volume Excel India Publishers, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-82062-84-4, Pp: 161- 164.


·        Presented and published a paper on “Nutritional Status Assessment of Institutionalized and Non Institutionalized Elderly Females” in the proceedings of ICMR Sponsored International Conference on Bioactive Natural Compounds from Plant Food in Nutrition and Health organized by the Dept. of Home Science, C.M.S. College, Kottayam on 20th to 22nd September, 2012. Publication Division, Bulbul Scientific Service, ISBN 978- 81-923850-5-1, Pp: 159-161.


·        Published a paper on “Prevalence of Risk Factors of Obesity and Effectiveness of Naturopathy among Obese Women” in the Naturopathy –  The Complete Health Magazine, Vol.11, issue No.170, Nov. 2005. ISSN 9970-2887, Pp: 40-46.


·        Published a paper on “Prevalence of Risk Factors of Obesity and Effectiveness of Naturopathy among Obese Women” in NISARGOPACHAR vartathe monthly Bilingual magazine for Natural Health, National institute of Naturopathy) Govt. of India, Ministry of health and F.W., Dept. of Ayush), Pune. Pp: 18-22.

Area of Specialization Food and Nutrition
Awards and Achievements Won first prize in poster presentation in the ICMR Sponsored International Conference on Bioactive Natural Compounds from Plant Food in Nutrition and Health organized by the Dept. of Home Science, C.M.S. College and Kottayam on 20th to 22nd September, 2012.


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